The Tool:
A 360° Assessment can be a powerful tool that many top organizations use to measure the effectiveness of their managers and key personnel. The 360° Assessment captures the knowledge of the people who know the most about the individual from every point of view. They are the people who work most closely with the individual and are in the best position to observe his or her management style.
The 360° Assessment reveals important strengths the organization can build on and weaknesses that should be addressed.
The Process:
We begin with an initial meeting with the individual to determine the parameters and level of transparency.
Once the assessors have been chosen, the individual and his/her assessors are sent a digital assessment form for their scoring and comments.
Upon completion the forms are returned to PJ Group.
When necessary, a personal or phone interviews is conducted between the PJG coach and any of the assessors for more in-depth input.
Once the assessments are assimilated the PJG coach meets with the participant and presents the findings, feedback and a course of action.